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Bethlehem Fair Trade Artisans

A Bethlehem-based coop of local artisans

Bethlehem Fair Trade Artisans (BFTA) is a non-profit non-governmental organisation established in 2009. The organisation’s main objectives are to spread the fair trade message in Palestine and to bring Palestinian handmade produce to fair trade markets overseas.
BFTA helped lift hundreds of people in the local community out of poverty through promoting their small businesses. By fostering the sustainable development of these communities, BFTA aims to contribute to a global trade structure that benefits marginalised groups.
In 2015, BFTA became the first guaranteed member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) in the Middle East. WFTO is the largest network advocating for the fair trade principles today.

What does BFTA do?

  • Empowers the most vulnerable producers in Palestine by supporting their small family-run businesses 
  • Increases the sustainability of small businesses and local economy by creating more opportunities to the most marginalised producers
  • Restores dignity to the most marginalised groups in the Palestinian society and improves their quality of life
  • Supports Palestinian women by increasing their market share in the domestic and global markets, increasing their income and their decision-making role at home and in the community, and enhancing their social standing
  • Advocates for fair trade principles and practices in the hope of creating more sustainable and equitable business models and a better working environment for the future
  • Advocates for global trade justice and trade equality
  • Promotes and celebrates Palestinian culture and traditions
BFTA supports:
53 family-owned olive wood workshops, potteries and blown glass manufacturers,
50 women’s cooperatives and groups working with embroidery, recycled glass, basket weaving and jewellery making, and
5 local support groups that work with the disabled through making felt wool crafts and recycled paper cards.

Learn more about Fair Trade here.
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